4 down 2 to go!


4 down 2 to go!

Hello lovely friends and family!!

It's been a great week here at the MTC! We're all so excited to head out to Italy in 2 weeks!!
Italian pride
I have had so many amazing little miracles this week, as I've learned more and more to put my trust in the Lord and to turn it all over to Him. One that I'd like to share with you was while we were teaching a "less-active member" (played by another teacher here at the MTC) who had stopped coming to church because he'd started smoking and drinking again and felt really guilty, really not worthy to be there. He didn't have faith in himself to be able to quit. My mind was racing, trying to think of a scripture I could share that would help him encourage him and let him know that through Christ he could find the strength, and the scripture "Moroni 7: 48" came to mind. I didn't know what that scripture said or even know if it was even a scripture, but trusting the prompting I asked him to open to that scripture and read it. This is what it was,

"8 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."

WHAT. This was PERFECT!! And it really impacted him and gave him the hope to try again. He agreed to come to Church on Sunday and read and pray.  I walked out of that lesson literally jumping for joy and shouting!! I was so amazed and grateful!! 
my cute companion
Also during that lesson, I was trying to remember how to say "We miss you" because in Italian it's complicated to say that, and I had read it once in the dictionary a few weeks ago, and the Spirit helped me recall how to say it "Sentiamo la mancanza di Lei". (literally "We feel the absence of you). That was just one example of the many times this week that I saw both Sorella Dew and I being able to speak better in our lessons than we ever could normally thanks to the Holy Ghost. I'm so excited to get to Italia and know that countless more little miracles await me there, if I continue to turn it over to Him. I truly know that this is the Lord's work!

Sometimes we have one-on-one coaching with our teachers, and yesterday I was talking with one of my teachers and asked how I could better my teaching. She told me three things to ask myself after every lesson I teach. They really hit me hard and completely changed the way I saw missionary work. I know that she was definitely inspired to share these things with me and I am so grateful that she did. I know I will love and treasure these for rest of my mission:
  • Did I strengthen my friendship with the investigator? Do I know them personally? Did I personalize the lesson to them, to what matters most to them?
  • Did I invite the Spirit? Did I focus less on raw information and more on personal experiences, testimony, and sharing meaningful scriptures?
  • Did I teach what Christ would have taught? Did I let them know of his love for them? Of my love for them?

I hope that all is going well in your lives and know that I love and pray for you all!

If you have 2 minutes and 45 seconds, will you please watch this AMAZING video about Christ and the hope that he brings? It was published this easter, it's called Because of Him. I feel the Spirit so strong when I watch this video!

Love you all!! 

​V​i voglio bene!​

​The Sorella formerly known as Brie

Sorella Frandsen's "DearElder.com" Free Mailing Instructions:
Sister     Brianne          Frandsen
31         ITA-ROM         Oct 28
(unit) (Mission Code) (Estimated Departure Date)

Her MTC Mailing Address for USPS:
Sister Brianne Marie Frandsen
Oct 28  ITA-ROM
2007 N 900 E Unit 31
Provo UT 84602

Sorella Frandsen's Email Address: brianne.frandsen@myldsmail.net

Please enjoy Elder McPherson's High Flying Ninja Kick below :)

a study in selfies


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